“World Conference on Ozone Therapy in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary”
promoted by Prof. Lamberto Re
Ancona (Italy) – September 22-23-24, 2017
The deadline for the discounted registration fee has been postponed until June 30st, 2017.
Abstracts can be submitted until June 30st, 2017.
Do not hesitate to share this information with all your colleagues interested in this area.
Hoping you will join us, we send you our best regards.
Per further information and registration:
Organizing Secretariat “World Conference on Ozone Therapy”
You can’t miss this event!
The Ancona World Conference will be a unique event to spread the message on Ozone Therapy to the entire World.
The conference will host the most excellent speakers from China, Japan, Europe, USA, South Africa, Latin America and many other colleagues from Italy, joined in a sole meeting like a big Family of Scientists, Clinicians and Experts with a huge experience in the field of Ozone Therapy.
Not only Italy, but all the eyes from all over the world will look to us!
Hundreds of participants confirmed their presence already; finalize your inscription as soon as possible to be sure to have a place reserved for you.
The last news on ozone in Medicine, in Veterinary and in Dentistry will be discussed at the higher level of excellence.
All the most recent evidences and uses of ozone in the different fields of medicine will be discussed by the world’s leaders.
Round Tables and Workshops will be organized during the meeting and a poster session will be available for the scientific papers on ozone therapy.
The Ancona airport (AOI) can be reached from Rome or Munich major Hubs.
Alternatively, you can flight to Bologna Airport and reach our city by train.
Congredior, the Organizing Secretariat, will help you organize very interesting tours in our Region (Loreto, Recanati, Wineries of Rosso Conero and Verdicchio) and in the most beautiful Italian cities like Florence, Venice or Rome.
I look forward to meet you all in Ancona next September 2017.
Your friend and colleague,
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Call for abstract: it is possible to submit the Abstracts by email to the Organizing Secretariat (registration@congredior.it) until the 31th May 2017; the work must be edited according to the Abstract Rules
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